
Album of photographs, mainly of cyclists, cycling clubs and bicycles

Longhedge Works Tyre and Axle Drawings

Manchester Steam Users' Association Registers of Explosions

Collection of newspaper cuttings in 'Newspaper Cuttings' embossed album

Letter from Otto Lilienthal to T J Bennett and 20 Contemporary Photographs

Student notes entitled 'Electricity'

Notebooks on mechanical and electrical engineering

Marshall's Geological Diagrams

Volume entitled: "Barton's Ruling Engine Manuscript"

Printed booklets of Special Rules and Regulations to be observed at specific collieries in England and Wales, made pursuant to the Coal Mines Regulations Act, 1872

Papers of William Laight Applin

A Practical Handbook of Dyeing and Calico-Printing

Catalogue of Useful Inventions for Cotton Spinners, Manufacturers and for all textile trades

Manuscript entitled: "Charcoal Burning in the Forest of Dean by Herbert Curwen"

Vorlesung uber theoretische Mechanik by Christian Felix Klein

Letters patent (no. 2871) granted to Henry Woodcroft Hammond for 'An Improved Compound Blower'

Letters patent (no. 992) granted to Captain William Henry Cutler for 'Improvements in Turbines'

Laboratory Book of Sir Oliver Lodge

Album of photographs relating to Rockingham Gas Works and Bonners Green Alkali Works

Lockwood's index of United States telephone patents to Dec. 31, 1900

Autograph letter from Otto Lilienthal to T J Bennett

19 items

Papers relating to the building of the Disley Tunnel, Midland Railway

1 item

Drawing of stop cock and blow off cock

Elementary Chemistry: Lecture Notes of Prof. A. W. Hofmann, Berlin, Germany

'Portfolio of photographs of Marine Engines, Boilers & Machinery'

Letters patent granted to Stephen Thomas Wentworth for 'Improvements in burners for consuming gas and air combined', plus ephemeral material

Volume entitled: "Aerial Navigation"

Sviluppo di alcuni corpi Stereometrico Mineralogici secondo i celebri Autori Dufrenoy, Hauy, Mohs, Rose, Neumann

Journal describing Thomas Bowden's work as a jointer laying and repairing submarine cables

Portfolio of result traces, summaries of results and notes relating to repetition by Boys of the 'Cavendish experiment'

Notebooks kept by C.V. Boys when repeating the 'Cavendish Experiments'

Volume entitled: "Helical Epicycloids and Derivatives"


Printed sheet: Babbage's calculating machine

43 boxes

Archive of evidence for the Royal Commission on Technical Instruction

Drawing of General Arrangement 0-6-2T 1716T Imperial Railways Japan

559 boxes (824 rolls), 458 folders


Drawings of the phototheodolite

An edition of 'The Photogram' journal vol. 2 no. 17

A series of views overlooking Trafalgar Square, London and a map showing the position of the instrument stations

The Book of Olde Manchester and Salford

192 photographic prints

Foulsham and Banfield Ltd Collection


Volume entitled 'List of iron, steel, and wood vessels built at the Birkenhead Iron Works'

Album documenting the laying of the Borkum-Fayal section of the German-Atlantic submarine cable

Various patent documents and other items relating to Frederick Henry Smith

Drawing of 2-4-0T 3'6" Gauge Locomotive

Drawing of 2-4-0 3'6" Gauge Locomotive General Arrangement

Drawing of Cape Government Railway 3'6" Gauge Locomotive

Railway Signal Volume 3 (1885)

Total Abstinence Pledge Book

1 box

Glass plate negatives of astronomical instrument making